Saturday, February 15, 2014

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Patient to Participate in the Tustin Leprechaun Leap 5k on March 16, 2014

U.S. Pain Foundation Ambassador Traci Patterson made a courageous and inspiring decision to partake in the Tustin Leprechaun Leap 5k Hanger Run/Walk/Jog on March 16, 2014.  A chronic pain sufferer for many years, Traci knows first-hand how one moment in your life can change the chapters of your life story forever.

"After a sprained ankle in December, 2006 that didn’t heal properly, I was referred to a local Podiatrist.  It was during that time in 2007 while undergoing a surgery that I was told I needed, that things went terribly wrong.  He; my Podiatrist; cut into the my Tibial Nerves, nicked my Lateral Plantar Nerve and other unfortunate mistakes were made during this surgery that lead to a diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome,” recalled Traci.  “I went through agonizing treatments, my Pain Management doctor gave up in 2011 when every Traditional treatment made my condition worse, and my CPRS continued to move throughout my body.  I was unable to wear a sock or shoe on my left foot, I had immense pain throughout my back as it had spread there, and I had started getting treated in Frankfurt, Germany.  With the help of Stem Cells, and other treatments that I could only get outside the US, my pain levels diminished by half.  In November, 2013 I flew to Tennessee to meet with M. Ron Eslinger to be treated at Healthy Visions.  It was there that I was finally able to get into remission!  It has been only a few months now but I am regaining my life, learning to do many things over again, including walking properly, spending time advocating for Chronic Pain patients and looking forward to moving forward with Motivational Speaking.”

"It is my daily struggle for the last 6+ years, and being one of the few that makes it into remission that inspired me to participate in the Tustin Leprechaun Leap 5k Hanker Run/Walk/Jog on March 16, 2014 to raise money for the U.S. Pain Foundation," Traci explains. "So many people in the United States and abroad live with chronic pain on a daily basis.  I hope my story inspires them.”

Traci will make her way across the finish line during this year's Tustin Leprechaun Leap 5k, honoring the over 100 million Americans who suffer with pain on a daily basis. Her story is one of bravery and spirit, and the U.S. Pain Foundation is proud to have Traci as a pain ambassador, working to raise awareness of the issues facing chronic pain patients.  She will also have an exhibit table at the 5k for more information on the US Pain Foundation.  For those in the Tustin area that would like to meet her, or gain more information on the US Pain Foundation please stop by!

My Cause, My Goal, My Thanks
2014 Tustin Leprechaun Leap 5k Hanger - Run/Walk/Jog

My Cause…

Is to support education, research, treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and Neuropathic Chronic Pain Diseases, and advocate on behalf of Chronic Pain conditions. 

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) aka Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a highly complex neurological disease of the sympathetic nervous system, a malfunction of sorts, and a chronic pain disorder.  Characterized by chronic, unyielding pain, the disease is often progressive: degeneration of muscles, bones and skin; joint thickening; acute and diffuse osteoporosis; tremors; vasospasms/failing temperature regulation; severe arthritis; limb swelling; piercing muscle spasms; severe fatigue…

Over time, these changes can become irreversible, causing loss of mobility and partial or total disability if the patient doesn’t receive proper treatment.

CRPS also has a direct effect on circulation, and appears to be associated with serious disturbances in the immune system.  It has been started to be associated with autoimmune syndromes as of lately.

This disease, the most perplexing in its category, often creates emotional, financial, and physical devastation. 

On the McGill Pain Index, CRPS ranks among the most agonizing, debilitating experiences a body can go through.  It rates higher than child birth, losing a limb, etc.  The touch of a sheet against your skin is an agonizing pain that cannot be described, wind blowing across the affected areas of CRPS brings on piercing pain, when it affects your foot or ankle you are unable to wear a sock or shoe, if in your upper extremities-back-torso area forget about hugging a loved one… These are just examples of how the pain effects the patient(s) lives.  Yet, most people have never heard of this syndrome / disease, and there are over a million people affected with it in the United States alone!

My Goal…

Is to advance research, actively seek new and innovative treatments and increase understanding of not only CRPS/RSD, but all neuropathic chronic pain diseases.  CRPS/RSD is too often misdiagnosed, sorely misunderstood, and still unrecognized to this day by many physicians.

There is no cure.  Someday I hope there is a change to that.  At this time, the best to hope for is remission.

Proceeds Go To…

Supporting research, education, advocacy, and community outreach through the US Pain Foundation. We will have an exhibit table at the Leprechaun Leap 5k Run/Walk/Jog too.  Please stop by for more information and to say, “Hi”.

It is the goal of the US Pain Foundation to be the leading source of support and hope to those living with pain and their caregivers.  To do this, they offer positive programs that empower, educate and inspire while offering compassionate attention to patients – and their loved ones.  We strive to educate patients, their friends and family, medical professionals, legislatures, and the community about the debilitating effects of CRPS/RSD and other neuropathic chronic pain diseases.

My Thanks…

To all who make this event possible, for those that are willing to take the time to realize how important this cause is and to help raise funds and awareness!  Whether you are willing to partake in the Tustin Leprechaun Leap 5K Hanger – Run/Walk/Jog – with us at the US Pain Foundation, or would prefer to just make a donation, your assistance is greatly appreciated.  I hope this will inspire other Chronic Pain patients, since in Nov. 2013 I was unable to even put on a shoe!

If you choose to join the Leprechaun Leap please go to the following thread to register.  When there please notate: “-pain2014-“ to be registered under the US Pain Foundation:

If you would prefer to mail a donation, please send it to: Traci Patterson - PO BOX 586, Tustin, CA 92781.  Please make checks payable to Traci Patterson as we are pooling all funds to make a lump sum donation to the US Pain Foundation.

For more information on Traci’s story, please feel free to visit: Here you will find a recent post that will give you more information on CRPS, Traci’s story, and how CRPS affects patients.  Please look at previous posts for more information.

As a volunteer Ambassador, and a CRPS patient that was diagnosed in 2007, I know I speak for all Chronic Pain patients who are in constant, and most times, insurmountable pain:
The gratitude will never end…


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is the first time i am reading your post and admire that you posted article which gives users lot of information regarding particular topic thanks for this share.if you want more information something like visit pain clinic dallas get more details.

    1. Pain Clinic Dallas, perhaps you would like to visit our website at: to gain further information on a non-invasive and drug-free treatment protocol that is helping CRPS patients gain functional levels and many are gaining long-term remission.
