Saturday, April 19, 2014

Where Is the Hope for Chronic Pain Patients

I recently read an article written in the Huffington Post by a columnist, father and loved one of a chronic pain patient.  This was one of several columns that he had written on his son and his struggles in dealing with CRPS, but this column was a bit different. 


As I read through the column, I was not reading about hope or healing.  Instead, I got the feeling that the writer, the patient’s father, was settling for what was being offered through traditional medicine.  He even made a comment, “We forgo dreams of a quick fix that never comes.”


There has to be a change in the outlook and the treatment of chronic pain patients.


I read these articles and my heart sinks.  Don’t misunderstand me. I know from personal experience that there is no quick fix, but there are answers out there for chronic pain patients if you know where to look.  There are so many parents, significant others, spouses and patients that are searching for answers, outcomes and help to either stop the pain or get into remission.  Where do they turn? Where do they look or where are the answers?


The traditional treatments of medication, regional blocks, sympathetic blocks, stellar blocks, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and spinal cord stimulators are only Band-Aids for the majority of pain patients. Therefore, the patient(s) and/or their families have to be willing to look at other options including complementary medicine.  Unfortunately, most get discouraged with what they are told by their doctors, and specialists and give up rather than pursuing other options.


Changing the mindset from traditional medicine to complementary medicine can be a big hurdle to overcome, because we all want to believe what we are told by our physician(s). But when we are not getting results, we have to be willing to be our own best advocate.  If we will not do that, then no one will.


Traditional physicians treat your symptoms by prescribing medications, narcotics or opioids; yet this does nothing to arrest the pain or stop the spread of the condition.  Instead, what if we were to look at where the pain is originating from – the brain.  ‘There is no pain until it reaches the brain,’ – Ron Eslinger. 


Medically speaking, the human body is made up of four significant vital signs. They are the heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and respiratory rate.  A fifth vital sign was introduced in 2000.  The fifth vital sign is pain.  As with other vital signs, pain impacts a number of functions such as emotions, behavior, long-term memory and olfactory senses (sense of smell).  The Limbic System influences these same functions.  The Limbic System is made up of four areas of the brain that includes the hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus and pituitary.  Understanding how the Limbic System operates is key to understanding and working with chronic pain. 


When functioning normally, the Limbic System sets the emotional tone of the mind and influences changes throughout the body by using chemical messages.  It filters external events through internal states and creates an emotional color for each event.


However, when the Limbic System is functioning abnormally, numerous health problems can occur.  Physical problems, such as lack of sleep, too much stress, or chronic pain, exacerbate the problems created by an out-of balance Limbic System.  The results are devastating, leading to moodiness, irritability and ultimately to clinical depression or worse.  In some cases, depending on external factors, these imbalances can result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  This is the true essence of stress turning into distress.


The hypothalamus, as part of the Limbic System, is concerned with homeostasis of the body (homeostasis is maintaining the body at a baseline).  The body’s normal set point is to feel comfortable.  Homeostasis is the process of returning something to a predetermined set point.  The body’s normal set point is to feel comfortable.  Forms of complementary medicine, including hypnosis, have the ability to return those with chronic pain back to a set point of comfort or to reactivate that set point.


Thus, the bottom line comes down to this. If there was a complementary treatment available to help you put your CRPS/RSD or chronic pain into remission, would you want to know about it?  There is real help out there for chronic pain patients, and I encourage every pain patient and their family to seek out other sources of treatment, including complementary medicine.  I found these answers myself after searching, and I have been in remission, pain free, since November, 2013. 


Please don’t fall into the mindset that there is nothing out there that can help, or that you have to “forgo dreams”.  Instead, believe that there are answers, there is help, there is a way to get into remission, and it is possible to realize your dreams.

For more information please feel free to contact me or leave a comment on my blog.


  1. Traci-love the blog! Surviving serious illness is often about LETTING GO of the traditional. The most challenging moment in my life taught me this lesson. I was in such severe pain due to a spinal injury/failed surgery, I was actively suicidal. I'd been in steadily increasing pain for 8 years. Now it was nearly unbearable.

    One late night, I drove my sporty lil car to a spot where I knew I could end it all. This was my 2nd trip. I didn't do it the 1st time because of all the cars on the road below-innocent lives that weren't part of my plan. Though it was later this time, cars were still going by at a constant rate. A sad desperation-filled anger overcame me. I wanted my pain to end, but couldn't risk hurting anyone.

    Frustratedly sobbing til there were no tears left, I decided fate would be the judge. I'd see JUST 1 MORE DOCTOR. If he couldn't help me get back to the kind of life everyone else had-to hell with anyone who got in the way, I'd end my pain.

    Though I didn't know it as I sat nervously in his waiting room, a strange unexpected series of events had lead me to a hero among men-JUST THE RIGHT DOCTOR. I was almost shaking as he sat down with me-the stakes were incredibly high. He'd either help me get back to the life I'd put on-hold or I'd put an end to my pain.

    Within 30 minutes, he changed my life forever, by telling me *the exact opposite* of what I'd been waiting to hear. I knew he wasn't like the other docs I'd seen, from the exam. He wasn't doing the 'I'll pretend I'm doing something, but really I don't give a damn' bad doctor dance. His thoroughness spoke volumes.

    Now, he looked very serious. He leaned in & said, "I'm afraid you were right-you ARE in quite a bit of pain." I just nodded, unable to speak. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes...HE BELIEVED ME!

    Then down came the hammer, smashing all my expectations. He sighed & said, "I'm also afraid 'normal' is out the window for you. There's no going back now-not from this." The thing I'd desperately wanted, hoped & prayed for, was suddenly just...gone. It was my toughest day ever, but also the most liberating. Though it took time to fully accept/mourn the end of my 'normal' life, I was set free that day. Now, I could focus on being as healthy as possible & I had the best doctor imagineable to help me get there!

    He a dynamic doctor; he does his own research, using the best of both novel & old school approaches to treat patients. He also helps countless others-speaking, writing & consulting with docs on their patients. This is the kind of care people with CRPS, Central/Intractable Pain & all serious illnesses need!

    We must get more creative & cohesive, so everyone gets better care. Doctors need to work together, sharing what they know. They must also stop picking their favorite hammer for every job, instead using every available tool in the toolbox. Stop letting stigma say pain medication is bad, but medical devices are good. Especially when patients are suffering, we shouldn't leave anything out, from tried/true remedies our grandparents relied on, to exciting new gene therapies that change lives. Patients who haven't found their tool(s) yet-don't give up! Answers may be as close as '1 more doctor' you see.

    Curious about my doctor/care:
    1. Foresttennant-com, especially the patient section's free handbooks.
    2. Hormonesandpaincare-com for important info to share w/your doc on hormones. If no prescriptions have worked, a complete hormone panel may just solve the mystery!
    3. Practical Pain Management, ppmjournal-com. Site's open to all but the print publication's FREE to medical professionals(link in top right corner). My doc writes about research advances in PPM.
    4. Need more help? Your doc can request a consult using contact info on the 1st link. My doc's very busy/may take a few tries to reach, but he consults on tough cases as he's able.

  2. Heather Grace, are you in remission? I agree that no one should give up regardless of the road they are going down... traditional medicine, alternative or complementary. My attitude is, where there is a will, there is a way. With determination and hope; anything is possible.

    After many years of debilitating pain I found hope and remission! I am now a practitioner in complementary medicine with a goal to help those with chronic pain.

  3. Very nice and helpful information has been given in this article. I like the way you explain the things.To know more about how to get relief from pain consult Seattle Pain Management for best pain treatment. Keep posting. Thanks..

    1. The best pain results for CRPS patients has been at Advanced Pathways in California. I am providing evidence based, non-invasive and drug-free treatment options for chronic pain patients (CRPS/RSD, Fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, SFN, etc.). Perhaps you'd like to visit our website at:
